Angels & Demons


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  • How to Deal with Evil Spirits: Recovery from Addictions, Sleep Disturbances and Other Demonic Experiences
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    In this powerful sermon, Pastor Steve exposes what demons are, what gives them permission to attack and oppress, how you should deal with them, and how you can maintain deliverance and freedom that you’ve experienced ...

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  • Satanism & Communism
    Stream this now on Vimeo! This teaching by Pastor Steve Cioccolanti is a crucial message for the body of Christ, in these dark, covid times. After briefly explaining why and how Christians can grow spiritually this teaching addresses the lie that religion is the cause of all wars and explains what was the real root of WWII. After teaching wh...

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  • The False Accusers of Jesus
    Stream this now on Vimeo! This sermon is a wealth of wisdom shared by Pastor Steve Cioccolanti the week Biden was inaugurated. He is addressing prophets and the church on what the bible teaches about the strong delusion pedaled by the media and why the prophets must not be afraid of the loud minority. Pastor Steve shares the hope we have a...

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  • Demons Exposed
    This life changing teaching is a must for all Christians. Pastor Steve Cioccolanti exposes the tactics satan has used since he first communicated with Eve, in the Garden of Eden. His ploy was successful then and he and his wicked demons continue to deceive people with just four common tactics. Even brand new Christians know Satan’s agenda is t...

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  • Humanised Animals, GMOs & Transhumans
    This message is Part 3 of Nephilim Among Us Series (MP3) Does the Bible say anything about aliens? Are they coming to earth? Should they be considered our friend or foe? Be surprised as you look at the evidence of Nephilim or giant hybrids of the Bible, and decide for yourself if they are real. You will also discover the the origin of extra-...

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  • Ancient Gods in Mythology & Astronomy
    This message is Part 2 of Nephilim Among Us Series (MP3) Does the Bible say anything about aliens? Are they coming to earth? Should they be considered our friend or foe? Be surprised as you look at the evidence of Nephilim or giant hybrids of the Bible, and decide for yourself if they are real. You will also discover the the origin of extra-...

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  • Ancient Aliens or Fallen Angels
    This message is Part 1 of Nephilim Among Us Series (MP3) Does the Bible say anything about aliens? Are they coming to earth? Should they be considered our friend or foe? Be surprised as you look at the evidence of Nephilim or giant hybrids of the Bible, and decide for yourself if they are real. You will also discover the the origin of extra-...

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  • God's Power Over Demons
    Do you ever wonder why devils and demons exist? Jesus dealt with demons many times in the Bible and actually gave us the power to cast them out ourselves. In this teaching, Pastor Cioccolanti shares what the Bible teaches us about demons, how we should deal with them and why the devil and his demons are allowed to be on earth. Using Jesus as you...

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  • The Role of Demons in Suffering
    This MP3 is an analysis of the final four chapter of the book of Job. Pastor Steve Cioccolanti explains God’s response to Job, after he pleaded to understand why he suffered the horrendous loss of his children, possessions, finances and health. Learn why God links the mysterious creatures of Leviathan and Behemoth with suffering. And get a ...

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  • Why Did God Create Satan?
    If God is good, and He knew Satan would turn evil, why did He create Satan in the first place!? There are other similar “why’s” like: If God is good, why does He allow suffering? Or why doesn’t He destroy the dev...

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  • The False Image of the Beast Revealed
    For a long time, the Book of Revelation has been a mystery to most. Pastor Steve Cioccolanti unravels Revelation 13 like you have never heard before. The Apostle John described the following, "The second beast was given power to give breath to the IMAGE of the first beast, so that the IMAGE could speak and cause all who refused to worship the im...

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  • Signs in the Sky: A Christian Look at Astronomy, Aliens and UFOs
    Any serious student of end time prophecy must come to appreciate the Hebrew Roots of Scripture. From the 7 day creation account to the 7 Feasts of God, Pastor Steve Cioccolanti gives a comprehensive introduction to the prophetic timelines contained in the Bible. He also updates us on significant end time signs and touches on the controversial su...

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  • The False Image of the Beast Revealed
    For a long time, the Book of Revelation has been a mystery to most. Pastor Steve Cioccolanti unravels Revelation 13 like you have never heard before. The Apostle John described the following, "The second beast was given power to give breath to the IMAGE of the first beast, so that the IMAGE could speak and cause all who refused to worship the im...

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  • 666 The Anti Christ Code
    [Audio only]
    Who is the Anti-Christ? The identity is of this end time character in the Bible seems shrouded in mystery. Is he an American president? Is he a Belgian or French leader or the head of the European Union? Is he the Vatican Pope. People speculate by pointing to a sculpture of Europa riding on Zeus in Brussels, or to statues of Mary which the C...

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  • The Truth About Money & Morals: 4 Steps to Freedom from Mammon
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    From a secular perspective, people assume that having enough money guarantees happiness and resolves most problems. In Matthew 6:15, Jesus gave a specific warning that we ought to guard ourselves against this spirit. A person may only serve one master: either God or Mammon. The spirit of Mammon is deceitful in its nature. How does the spirit of ...

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  • The Truth About Money & Morals: 4 Steps to Freedom from Mammon
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    From a secular perspective, people assume that having enough money guarantees happiness and resolves most problems. In Matthew 6:15, Jesus gave a specific warning that we ought to guard ourselves against this spirit. A person may only serve one master: either God or Mammon. The spirit of Mammon is deceitful in its nature. How does the spirit of ...

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  • How to Deal with Evil Spirits: Recovery from Addictions, Sleep Disturbances and Other Demonic Experiences
    In this powerful sermon, Pastor Steve exposes what demons are, what gives them permission to attack and oppress, how you should deal with them, and how you can maintain deliverance and freedom that you’ve experienced
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  • I Don't Believe in Hell
    Is there a heaven and a hell? Is there any solid proof for the existence of such places? If a hell truly exists, what does it look like and who ends up there? Uncover the answers to these burning questions in this sermon. 
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  • Signs in the Sky: A Christian Look at Astronomy, Aliens and UFOs
    [Audio only]
    Any serious student of end time prophecy must come to appreciate the Hebrew Roots of Scripture. From the 7 day creation account to the 7 Feasts of God, Pastor Steve gives a comprehensive introduction to the prophetic timelines contained in the Bible. He also updates us on significant end time signs and touches on the controversial subject of the...

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  • Nephilim Among Us: Ancient Aliens or Fallen Angels
    [Audio only]
    Does the Bible say anything about aliens? Are they coming to earth? Should they be considered our friend or foe? Be surprised as you look at the evidence of Nephilim or giant hybrids of the Bible, and decide for yourself if they are real. You will also discover the the origin of extra-terrestrial beings called fallen angels and the different cla...

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