Steve Cioccolanti, B.A., M.Ed., is a Christian author, a prolific teacher of God's Word and senior pastor of Discover Church in Melbourne, Australia. With over 50 million views, he is one of the most watched Christian YouTubers worldwide and pioneered Online Church before COVID lockdowns. He has authored hundreds of DVDs and five #1 bestselling books on Amazon and Apple.
Pastor Steve has traveled to over 46 counties as a popular speaker, a Biblical tour leader to Israel, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, and a guest on international TV shows, including on Daystar and The Praise the Lord Television Network.
He is currently writing a book, recording a video, blogging a thought or helping someone. To book him for an event or interview, please check his availability at
Steve Cioccolanti has a vision of creating clean social media and propagating Christian content uncensored. He has been a strong proponent of Donald Trump, free speech, and religious rights. He proposed in an Open Letter to the US President a comprehensive plan to break up the tech giants’ monopoly, give users control over their data, and create a Digital Bill of Rights.
Since 2000, he serves as senior pastor of Discover Church in Melbourne, Australia. His YouTube channel exploded when he described how many signs of the end times warned of natural and man-made crises, which have been confirmed since the Arab Spring 2010, Tohoku Earthquake 2011, rise of ISIS 2014, destruction of Syria 2015, Hurricane Harvey 2017, and the relocation of the US embassy to Israel’s capital of Jerusalem 2018. Pastor Steve predicted Donald Trump’s 2016 election victory before he was selected as the Republican Presidential nominee (when pundits and polls were certain he had 0-1% chance of winning).
He has traveled to over 40 countries and leads tours to Israel & Jordan as a Biblical guide. In 2017, he pioneered Christian mentoring on Patreon, where he hosts Discover Church Online, a network of like-minded disciples converting their gifts and spiritual education into massive action for the Kingdom of Christ.
This new model was not birthed to substitute attending a physical church, but rather to 1) support leaders online 2) respond to the needs of disciples who — for whatever reason — are not attending church offline and 3) acknowledge that Christian experience is completely foreign to a growing percentage of people who participate in traditional activities less and less, and are active on the Internet more and more; the consequence of such revolutionary change is that people live more anonymous and unaccountable lives than previous generations. Pastor Steve calls upon church leaders to join him in offering a Christian response and showing people how to live fully Christian lives online as well as offline.
Join Discover Church Online, where you can have church anywhere, any time!

I understand the challenge of finding just the right speaker. In my role as a pastor for 25 years, I invited many specialist speakers and worship leaders. Some flopped, some left a lasting influence for years. I know the difference and what it takes to impart to people with love and power.

As an author and speaker who has travelled to 40 nations, I also understand how to bring an encouraging message in the context of different denominations and diverse cultures. My hope is that this page will make it easy for you to get the information you need to make the best decision possible.
Thanks for stopping by. Thanks also for considering me. I am honored.
This page provides an overview of what I have to offer, along with a taste of what you can expect. You can click on the links below to take you directly to the relevant sections.
- What You Can Expect
- A Little Bit About Me
- My Most Requested Topics
- What Leaders Are Saying
- My Previous Engagements
- My Video Clips
- The Next Step
If you want to check my availability for your event, or if you have some questions before proceeding further, please click here:
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Here's what you can expect from me and my team:
- Prompt, professional replies to your phone calls and email messages.
- A personal phone consultation with me prior to your event, so I can better understand how I can best serve you and your audience.
- An announcement about your event on my social media channels. (This assumes that your event is open to the public and you want additional visibility for it.)
- A well-researched, well-delivered presentation that helps people in your organization or church become better. We will also bring resources and books which relate to the topic and will encourage people to continue growing in what they just learned.
- A quick follow-up communication after the event, to make sure I met your expectations. (I also want to know how you think I can improve.)
I am a half-Thai, half-Australian who was born to a family of Buddhists, Catholics, Methodists and Muslims. I lived for 10 years in Thailand, 10 years in America, 15 years in Australia and the remainder sprinkled between France, Canada, Spain and England. I met Jesus when I returned to Thailand, a 95% Buddhist nation. This journey has given me a unique perspective on culture, missions, evangelism and world religions.
I wrote my first book, From Buddha to Jesus, in 2007 and it became the second best-selling Christian book of all time in Thailand. It has been well received and is now available in 8 languages: English, Chinese, Indonesian, Thai, French, Japanese, Korean, and Hebrew.
Our TV ministry airs quality Christian teaching to 4 million viewers per week in Indonesia. We receive positive feedback especially in the areas of creation science and old testament foundation. My signature series are from the 12 hour course "4000 Years of History: from Creation to Christ".
I've written a new reference book called The Divine Code from 1 to 2020. It is designed for people who want to know how to interpret the Bible, dreams and end time prophecies. I teach my readers to recognize the meaning of numbers and patterns that are found not only in the Bible, but also in real life - science, history and current affairs.
I live in Melbourne, Australia. In my free time, I play with my children, jog, do water sports, read, and if the weather is right, ski.
I train people in apologetics and help people journey towards their God-given destiny. I will customize my presentation to meet your church or organization's specific needs. My goal is to facilitate the outcome you want to create.
What will I bring to your event? People know me for two things: first people like my multi-sensory, audio-visual presentations; second leaders say I take complex topics and make them simple. I can do this with or without visuals, depending on the topic you request. But visuals are something unique I can bring.
My most requested topics include the following ones.

Understanding and Reaching Out to a Pluralist World: Have you ever heard someone say to you, "All religions are the same"? You are speaking to a pluralist! I use Buddhism as the typical illustration of pluralist beliefs and how to engage pluralists effectively. This can be done in an evangelistic event or a 3 hour training seminar.
Find out more on this topic here

Science and the Bible: Have you ever heard someone say, "I don't believe in God. I only believe in science" or "Hasn't science disproven the Bible?" You are talking to an evolutionist! Their hero is probably Charles Darwin or Richard Dawkins. There are some vital topics that I address such as the Big Bang vs Creation, the age of the earth, fossils and dinosaurs, and the evidence for Noah's Flood. In the Chinese context I can tailor these messages to explain the Chinese myths and legends of the long or dragons. This can be done in one evangelistic event or a 3 hour seminar. I can also mix the topics of Buddhism and Science in one 3 hour seminar as they are inter-related in the skeptics' mind and both relate to apologetics.
Find out more on this topic here

Bible Introduction: How Did We Get the Bible? Have you ever heard someone say, "Isn't the Bible just a collection of myths ~ a book written by men? How can you believe it?" Most Christians are not prepared to answer this most common question. Most church goers have heard teaching about the Bible, but not about the Bible itself. Where did we get the Bible from? Hasn't it changed and isn't it full of errors? Why do some Bibles contain the Apocrypha and some don't? Who translated the Bible? Is the Bible reliable? Bible Introduction can be done in one service or in a 3 hour seminar.
Find out more on this topic here

Understanding Prophecy and End Times: Have you heard someone say, "They have been predicting Jesus' Return for years [or since I was a kid] and it still hasn't come yet!"? You're talking to someone who has been studying the Bible but never come to the full knowledge of the Truth. One-third of the Bible is prophecy. Sadly many cults got their start from someone who was interested in prophecy but was never properly educated in it. I equip people to understand: What are the signs of the End Times? What do God's Calendars and the Jewish Feasts tell us about God's timetable for us? Does God cause natural disasters? What should we say when people call catastrophes "acts of God"? Where is the Anti-Christ from? (different from who is the Anti-Christ, you have to decide that for yourself!) How should we live and "redeem the time" if we know our time is limited? I don't answer questions such as, "What's your view of the Rapture?" (unless you specifically ask me to). My aim is to help people redeem their time and motivate them to live for eternity.
Find out more on this topic here

Dating, Porn and Sex: I cover various issues related to singles: how to find your life partner, secrets men don't want women to know, porn addiction, sexual identity (homosexuality). When Christians hear the topic of sexual confusion, many non-homosexuals strongly respond in repentance.

Parenting God's Way: Life-changing and challenging principles to re-train people who became Christian but have not changed their style of parenting. Christ wants to be Lord over our hearts, our homes and our children. We are the key to whether our children will serve God or leave the church when they grow up. Some laughter and some tears guaranteed.

Increasing Your Chances of Getting Healed: "Why haven't I been healed?" is a common cry from sincere Christians. There are definite steps Christians can take to increase their chances of getting healed and living in health. I can teach on healing with or without visuals. We typically cover 3 steps per session and no more than 6 steps at a time. Usually one key needs to turn and a breakthrough is on the way.
Find out more on this topic here

Making Decision Based on Grace: Have you ever heard someone ask, "If we're saved by grace, why do we have to obey laws or listen to the pastor?" You are talking to someone who is in the same dilemma Eve was. There is a lot of confusion in people's minds that originate back to the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Do Christians live by right and wrong, do's and don'ts? If yes, is Christianity just another religion? If not, then do we do away with standards, expectations and holy living? These are crucial questions must be answered for Christians to continue to mature spiritually. The topic of grace can be covered in one Sunday service or in multiple sessions.
Find out more on this topic here
Here is what leaders and event sponsors said after I spoke for them.
"Steve Cioccolanti is my teacher. I followed his teachings on YouTube for years. I've heard many teachers of end times, I've interpreted for them, in my opinion, Pastor Steve Cioccolanti's end time teaching is the best.”
Rev. Samuel Sia
Formerly Canon of the Anglican Church
Pastor of 1000-member St Stephen’s Church, Philippines
Translator of 7 of Derek Prince's books into Chinese
"I deeply appreciate Pastor Steve Cioccolanti's thoughts and his heart whenever he teaches. He not only gives great information and insights, he has an unique way of influencing the hearts of many to follow the Lord whom he passionately follows. There are many great teachers of the Word that I’ve heard, but few share from the heart of a servant that's meek and pastoral. Pastor Steve ministers with a great passion. He always stirs and challenges all to a loving relationship with our Father God. Your heart will be greatly blessed as you listen to him. Many in our local congregation have benefited much from his ministry."
Pastor David Ong
Petra Church Singapore
"Steve has an accepted and proven teaching ministry that deals with many of the more complicated subjects such as Christianity and postmodern philosophy, evolution and creationism, reconciling Biblical history with science and secular accounts, and many other subjects relevant to twenty-first century believers. He is highly educated and is an outstanding speaker with a ministry going back many years. He is also Spirit-filled and teaches the Charismatic Gospel."
Rev. Dennis Balcombe
Missionary Pioneer to Hong Kong and China since 1969
"I've been attending so many seminars about end times, also about church growth. And I have read so many books about the two subjects. But this is the first time I hear an explanation that is very Biblical about End Times and in my opinion as a scholar of theology in Indonesia and other countries, this seminar and book (2020) has a uniqueness. I have not been to a seminar like this before!"
Rev. Daniel Henubau
Chairman of GEKARI movement of 135 churches in Indonesia
"Pastor Steve teaches with incredible insights and understanding of the Bible. His knowledge and research on contemporary facts and information make his teaching and presentation even more interesting and relevant. Not only that, I found Pastor Steve to be also fervent in the Holy Spirit, longing for God to touch the lives of the hearers powerfully. Many in my congregation love his ministry and teaching."
Rev. John Yao
Senior Pastor of New Life Church, Melbourne, Australia
"For the first time, you have join the dots to complete the picture by clarifying the content of the gospel. Many people talk about Jesus offering the only solution but people in the first place did not know that they have a problem... I am glad to listen to your sharing of your experience and glad to have bought your book."
Elder Wong Foo Mun
Director of Missions of Synod Office - The Presbyterian Church in Singapore
I speak in venues of all sizes - from 10,000 to less than 100 - it doesn't matter to me if your church or organization is big or small. If your venue is located outside of Melbourne, Australia, I usually travel with at least one or two helpers. We come with a heart to serve.
- Faith Church Hungary — church of 20,000 in Budapest
- Lighthouse Evangelism — church of 12,000 in Singapore
- Church of Our Savior — church of 5000 in Singapore
- Crossway Baptist Church — church of 3000 in Australia
- Bethany Singapore — church of 2500 in Singapore
- Grace Assembly — church of 5000 in Malaysia
- Trinity Community Centre — church of 500 in Malaysia
- FGA Penang — church of 300 in Malaysia
- Bethany Melbourne — church of 500 in Australia
- FGA Melbourne — church of 250 in Australia
- G.B.I. Jakarta and Medan — network of 300,000 Christians in Indonesia
- GEKARI Church — denomination of 100+ churches in Indonesia
- Grace Era Church — church of 200 in Thailand
- The Haggai Institute — seminar for leaders in Thailand
- Full Gospel Businessmen — various chapters internationally
- Bethesda Cathedral — church of 2,000 in Singapore
Click here for more video clips.
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