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  • How to Be Biblically Balanced
    One of the core values of Discover Church is "Biblical Balance"--it's a motto for our disciples. How can you be Biblically-balanced in a world that swings like a pendulum? It's human nature to swing to extremes--pray 8 hours a day or don't pray at all, minister till you're burnt out or reject "organized religion" completely, tota...

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  • 99 Cases of Sickness and Healing in the Bible
    What is the cause of sickness? Is it natural or spiritual? What role do we play in our own healing? Healing works on a spectrum and it was a major component of Jesus’ ministry. Pastor Steve Cioccolanti shares his studies with us in these three sessions. He found 99 cases of healings in the Bible and draws his conclusions from these f...

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  • The Power of the Offering
    One of the most talked about subjects in the entire bible is the offering. Does God still require offerings? Wasn’t it done away with in the New Testament? Not all offerings are accepted by God. This message is essential for all Christians who want to be assured they are offering acceptable gifts to God. Discover the power of the off...

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  • 8 Ways To Save Australia
    Pastor Steve Cioccolanti's most Australian sermon! Recommended for those who are involved in Australian politics. Pastor Steve Cioccolanti shares the best speech ever by an Australian politician and from that gives you 8 vital keys to save Australia from evil control and keep it a free, peaceful and prosperous country. 
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  • Abuse of Power: Increasing God's Trust in You
    God has a major problem. Why does the secular world like Hollywood seem to have more money, power and influence than most churches? Why do most Christians have little say in the government and entertainment? This important message by Pastor Steve Cioccolanti is not MILK, but MEAT for the MATURE. "Knowledge puffs up," Paul wrote. Power corrupts, ...

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  • Is the USA in the Bible? Great American Eclipses of 2017 - 2024
    TOTALLY VINDICATED. The Great American Solar Eclipse on August 21st, 2017 preceded by 4 days, Hurricane Harvey, the STRONGEST hurricane in 12 years. It made landfall near Corpus Christi. Harvey means "Battle-Worthy". Corpus Christi means "Body of Christ". America is now in a 40 day opportunity to repent before Yom Kippur. Don't waste t...

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  • The End Time Secrets of Wikileaks Vault 7
    Pastor Steve Cioccolanti exposes the end-time secrets of Wikileaks' Vault 7 CIA documents, implicating Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in deep state activities.
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  • Dream Code Part 1 (Vision of Nathan a 15-year-old Jewish Boy)
    Does God still speak to us in dreams? Do you dream or see “visions of the night” as Jacob and Daniel saw? Do you see visions in the day? How do you interpret dreams? In this video, you will learn 5 facts about dreams and 5 big principles to help you interpret your dreams. Hear also examples of dreams, including a controversial vision of the ...

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  • Dream Code Part 2 (The Donald Trump Prophecy)
    "Have you ever been challenged: “You don’t take the Bible literally, do you!” Find out how to approach the Bible not only as prophetic revelation, but also as great literature! Did you know that God loves puns and play on words? What layers of hidden meanings does the Bible hold when we understand its original Hebrew and Greek languages? H...

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  • Dream Code Series
    There’s little doubt that dreams and visions from God are on the increase in the end times! Both Peter and Joel said: "And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see VISIONS, your old men shall dream DREAMS." (Acts 2:17)...

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  • Fast Way to Health - Is Fasting for Me?
    Why do some people receive healing and not others? Is there a way to possibly lose weight, reduce your risk of diabetes, cancer and heart disease and improve your memory? When you ask God for a miracle, He will give you an instruction. Learn 2 key ways to receive healing and how to avoid missing God's instructions in this insightful teaching...

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  • Fast Way to Health - Adding Years to Your Life
    Is long life only an occurrence for Old Testament prophets? What is our lifespan according to God's word? Can premature death be God's will? Our loving Father wills for us not just to have long lives but be "full of days". In this teaching, Pastor Steve reveals the factors that contribute to us living longer or shorter lives. Apply Bibli...

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  • Fast Way to Health - 7 Instructions for Longevity
    Do we have to die of sickness? Is there an appointed time to die or is it possible for us to choose when we die? How can we be victorious even in death? When you ask God for a miracle, He’ll always give you an instruction. Embrace a long and healthy life as Pastor Steve shares 7 instructions from God's Word on how you can lengthen your day...

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  • Think Clearly Series
    The battle is often in the mind. How can you think clearly through trials? The Bible says wisdom is the principle thing. How can you get and apply wisdom? How do you keep yourself motivated and disciplined in clear thinking? Claim Christ's victory for yourself today as Pastor Steve equips you with skills to help you think clearly and win bat...

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  • Think Clearly 4: About Economics
    What is economics? What is the most scarce asset? If God is a God of abundance, why is there scarcity? Understand economics like never before through the lens of the Bible and learn how you can make the best use of the resources God has given to you! See also Think Clearly Series (MP4)
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  • Think Clearly 3: 4 Keys to a Healthy Mind
    Wise decision making often involves discipline and the motivation for discipline is love. How can you maintain discipline? How do you keep yourself motivated? Is it possible that our character and upbringing will affect our mental health? Dwell deeper into the heart of thinking clearly as Pastor Steve shares 4 applicable skills to thinking clear...

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  • Think Clearly 2: The Wisest Social Skill
    Wisdom is the principle thing. In all your getting, get understanding (Proverbs 4:7) What is wisdom in the Christian context? Is it the same as intelligence? How do we apply wisdom in this world as Jesus did, giving life? Get understanding and renew your mind through this teaching as Pastor Steve shares four skills everyone needs to think clearl...

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  • Think Clearly 1: How to Defeat Procrastination
    How can we think clearly when we are going through pain? Is there legitimate suffering? What can we learn from Jesus about dealing with suffering? Receive the wisdom of God today as Pastor Steve deciphers the keys to think clearly and how to grow in discipline. See also Think Clearly Series (MP4)
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  • Mind Management 4: How to Overcome Depression
    Is it ever a challenge to be Christian and happy at the same time? Do you know how to train your brain for success? Would you like to have better control of your attitudes? In this series called "Mind Management," Pastor Steve del...

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  • Mind Management 3: Change the Rules!
    Is it ever a challenge to be Christian and happy at the same time? Do you know how to train your brain for success? Would you like to have better control of your attitudes? In this series called "Mind Management," Pastor Steve delves into a wide range of issues that are...

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