היכרות עם הבודהיזם באופן שפונה לקהל הרחב ומראה כיצד מאמינים בישוע יכולים להבין בודהיסטים ולנהל איתם שיחה באופן מעשי. הבודהיזם הוא אומנם דת שצומחת במהרה במערב אך מעטים המערביים שמכירים אותה...
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ជាសេចក្តីណែនាំដ៏ពេញនិយមសម្រាប់ ពុទ្ធសាសនា ដែលបង្ហាញពីរបៀបដែលគ្រិស្តបរិស័ទ អាចយល់ដឹង និងអាចប្រាស្រ័យជាមួយពុទ្ធសាសនិក យ៉...
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IS TRUMP CHRISTIAN? IS HE GOD’S CHOICE? HOW ARE HIS ACTIONS AFFECTING CHRISTIANS AND BIBLE PROPHECY? This is more than a list of Donald Trump's untold words and actions. This book compares the most significant events of Trump's life and presidency with Scripture and prophecy. Review the evidence. Judge for yourself. "Blown away...
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Trump’s Unfinished Business offers a prophetic template to change the face of politics & save the nation from moral rot & Civil War. In one book, you will find new applications of God’s commands that can be used to break up the Tech Giants’ monopoly, create a Digital Bill of Rights, reform Family Law, protect children, enshrine true equali...
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트럼프의 사명 미국을 구원할 10가지 계명 (Trump's Unfinished Business: 10 Prophecies to Save America, Korean Edition)아마존 베스트셀러 1위 작가 스티브 쵸콜란티는, 전문가들이나 여론조사에서 트럼프 당선 가능성이 1%도 안 된다고 확신할 때, 또 공화당 대선후보로도 지명되기 전에, 도널드 트럼프의 2016년 대선 승리를 예측했다. 그의 저서 『하나님의 코드: 숫자의 예언적 백�...
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Trump’s Unfinished Business offers a prophetic template to change the face of politics & save the nation from moral rot & Civil War. In one book, you will find new applications of God’s commands that can be used to break up the Tech Giants’ monopoly, create a Digital Bill of Rights, reform Family Law, protect children, enshrine true equali...
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The 10th Anniversary Edition of 'The Divine Code', now in a beautiful 2-volume set, is ground-breaking in its scope. From history to prophecy, from apologetics to politics, numbers are everywhere but not clearly understood. Steve Cioccolanti has expanded this study of the meaning of numbers to include Donald Trump, Jared Kushner, Ben...
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The 10th Anniversary Edition of 'The Divine Code', now in a beautiful 2-volume set, is ground-breaking in its scope. From history to prophecy, from apologetics to politics, numbers are everywhere but not clearly understood. Steve Cioccolanti has expanded this study of the meaning of numbers to include Donald Trump, Jared Kushner, Ben...
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This guide is to help remind you to write or update your Will so your spouse can be assured of support and your children can recieve an inheritance after you go to Heaven. Proverbs 13:22 encourages believers to look far into the future and plan for our children and grandchildren, "A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children, ...
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This personal development book is not about copying what someone else did. When God wants to revolutionize your life, He starts by changing how you see yourself. Discover: Why Some people live with a free spirit, and others seem stuck year after year how to be free from emotional baggage and addictions like substance abuse and porn...
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Inspired by Alexis, the 6-year-old daughter of Steve Cioccolanti, this children’s book has got even adults raving! "I have read it cover to cover, and find it very insightful, full of good tools that can make one a better person.” - A Grandfather “12 Keys teaches not just children. I found it refreshing, delightful. Although P...
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De Bouddha à Jésus est en ce moment le deuxième livre chrétien le plus vendu de tous les temps en Thaïlande, un pays à 95% bouddhiste. Vous avez là de quoi apprendre sur les deux religions les plus populaires, en un seul livre ! Grandement apprécié par les lecteurs qui ont grandi dans le bouddhisme, ce livre existe à présent dans...
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My Christian Journey offers a solid foundation for Christian discipleship, covering the most frequently asked questions such as: how can Christians trust the Bible? how can we pray Scripturally? how can we share our faith effectively with others? Best used as part of a personal (one-on-one) mentoring program. Each of th...
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My Christian Journey offers a solid foundation for Christian discipleship, covering the most frequently asked questions such as: how can Christians trust the Bible? how can we pray Scripturally? how can we share our faith effectively with others? Best used as part of a personal (one-on-one) mentoring program. Each of th...
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Also available as iBook and e-Book "From Buddha to Jesus is a clear exposition of both Buddha’s search for truth and the foundations of Buddhist culture. It then gives an account of how the Good News of Jesus can fulfil Buddhist law, and deliver people from the drive of endless perfectionism. A totally thought-provoking work!" Ro...
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