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  • The Sabbath Series
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  • Dream Code Series
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    There’s little doubt that dreams and visions from God are on the increase in the end times! Both Peter and Joel said: "And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see VISIONS, your old men shall dream DREAMS." (Acts 2:17)...

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  • The Power of the Offering
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    One of the most talked about subjects in the entire bible is the offering. Does God still require offerings? Wasn’t it done away with in the New Testament? Not all offerings are accepted by God. This message is essential for all Christians who want to be assured they are offering acceptable gifts to God. Discover the power of the off...

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  • 99 Cases of Sickness and Healing in the Bible
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    What is the cause of sickness? Is it natural or spiritual? What role do we play in our own healing? Healing works on a spectrum and it was a major component of Jesus’ ministry. Pastor Steve Cioccolanti shares his studies with us in these three sessions. He found 99 cases of healings in the Bible and draws his conclusions from these f...

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  • The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse Revealed
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    Where are we on God’s prophetic timeline? Jesus revealed the chronology of prophetic events in the Book of Revelation. In chapter 6, the Apostle John introduced us to the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse. The identity of these horsemen have been speculated on ever since. In this set of 3 powerful teachings, Pastor Steve Cioccolanti demystifie...

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  • Biblical Justice Course
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    In the "Justice Series" you will learn about: The issue of injustice, why God allows evil, the debate between hyper-grace and legalism, and the purpose of the 1000 year reign of Christ. You will know the biblical balance of both Justice and Righteousness (Grace) and how they both are equally important in forming the foundation of God's thr...

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  • News Wars Series
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    At Discover Ministries our aim is to equip and motivate people to live for eternity. We pray that this inspired message will bless you, and your family and friends! Subjects that are covered in this series: - Israel - Russia - North Korean - America - Kim Jong Un - Donald Trump - Benjamin Netanyahu     Subjects t...

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  • End Time Codes Series
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  • Consecrating Yourself To God's Plan Series
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    Pastor Steve Cioccolanti reveals the 3 Scriptures upon which he builds his ministry. This teaching holds the keys to discovering God's perfect plan for your life. You will never be happier than when you walk in the perfect will of God. Yet many either don’t know or settle for less than God’s perfect will for them. Even those in ministry ...

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  • Atheists Don't Exist Series
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    While atheists make the bold claim that "God doesn't exist", Pastor Steve equips Christians to make the bolder claim that "atheists don't exist!" Pastor Steve equips Christians to spot and debunk the myths, taboos and dogmas surrounding atheism. Get answers to common atheistic claims such as: "I don't believe what I can't ...

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  • What the Bible Really Says About Divorce & Remarriage Series
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    Christians for years have struggled with the teachings, beliefs and myths surrounding divorce and remarriage. Common belief is that it is a sin for Christians to divorce, and this belief is taught by many church leaders. Yet, is this what the Bible teaches or have Christian teachings strayed from the truth, thereby causing much misery. Think abo...

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  • Joy Series
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    Part 1 - Sow in Tears, Reap in Joy Your level of joy needs to be monitored. Without joy, the Bible says we are not in faith. Without joy, we will not reap a harvest, even though we may have been faithful to sow seeds. Therefore, don't let the devil steal your joy! Whatever you have been waiting for - be it the salvation of loved ones, phy...

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  • Undeniable Proof You Are Living In The End Time Series
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    Many believe there is a conflict between science and the Bible. In this teaching, facts and biblical truths are presented and reveals how space, planets and many other scientific discoveries all points to not only the Bible, but also Jesus' soon coming. Learn how new scientific discoveries and natural disasters can be explained by the Bible ...

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  • Where is God During Tragedies? Series
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    If God is loving and powerful, why does He allow suffering? Why do bad things happen to devout Christians? Where was God during the Haiti earthquake in 2010 that killed 300,000 people? Where was God in the famine in North Korea that killed 3 million people? Where was God during the Nepalese earthquake in 2015 that killed 8000 people? These a...

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  • Getting Along With Authority Series
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    This is a mature series for believers who want the “meat” and not just the “milk” of the Word. Jesus is the greatest example of submission to authority. God is a God of order and He is establishing authority and submission over the earth so that His Son can reign. One of the most common beliefs about submission is that we can be subm...

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  • How We Got The Bible Series
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    We hear a lot about the Bible today, though we don't hear much about how the Bible came to us. In this informative & educational teaching Pastor Steve Cioccolanti gives you the history of how men of God were used to reform, translate, print, copy, pray & even rebel to bring us the Bible so that we can easily have access to today! ...

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  • 6000 Years of History & Prophecy Series
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    If patterns in history show the way forward, what can we learn from Biblical history? What have Jews learnt from history that causes them to hold much of the world's wealth? See and hear 6000 years of history like you have never seen or heard it before as Pastor Steve Cioccolanti charts the Bible in chronological order connecting biblical ev...

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  • The Rewards of Giving Series
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    Do you know the Bible distinguishes different types of giving? Each operates from a different motivation, serves a different purpose and draws a different response from God. What are they? And what are the 4 levels of generosity? How do you partner with God in your giving, grow your talent, and allow God to multiply your seed? Renew your mind wi...

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  • Jezebel: The Attack on Christians in the Last Days Series
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    Jezebel was one of the most evil characters in the Bible with the ability to cause one of the greatest prophets, Elijah, to flee. How do you discern the spirit of Jezebel? What are her traits and effects on you? And how do you deal with Jezebel? As the enemy intensifies his attacks in the last days, Pastor Steve empowers you with 4 characteristi...

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  • Redeeming the Time Series
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    There are few gifts in life as precious as time. Once it's gone, we can never get it back. It's God's will for you to make the most of your time. Are you hungry for God's will? Are you "redeeming the time"? If you'd like Biblical skills to manage your days better, then invest the time to watch these 2 powerful teachings from ...

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