ATTENTION: We want to kindly bring to your attention that since Discover Ministries is based in Melbourne, Australia, donations made to us are not eligible for tax-deductible receipts. If you are located in the USA and would like to receive a tax-deductible receipt, we encourage you to donate through our US-based ministry here. Thank you for considering to support our ministry.
*Recurring donations do not grant access to Discover Church Online or End Time University. Click above images to join*
If you already have existing recurring donations then you can manage them here
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Please be advised that if you are a singaporean and/or holding a singaporean paypal account then, according to the latest PayPal policy released on march 2013, you will no longer be able to use your paypal account to donate to a non-profit organisation like us. Please use the other payment alternatives
If you are touched to give USD 5,000 or above, we would like to recognize you with one Lifetime membership to Discover Church Online. That's access to all uncensored content for the duration of our church's mobile app, and it includes 3 years of membership to End Time University.
In honor of your gift of USD 10,000 or above, you will enjoy the benefits of a Lifetime Member, plus an exclusive video chat with Pastor Steve Cioccolanti.
* Terms and conditions are subject to change without notice, from time to time at our sole discretion.
Our Partners Are Pillars that Give Us Strength to Build His People!
You have helped me and the Discover team take the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world. You have done it through Spirit-led prayer, financial support, and open doors that relationships bring. Where has the financial support gone? I want you to know that we walk in the fear of God and count it an honour to be able to steward Kingdom funds for His work. Our records are independently audited each year and presented to the Australian Tax Office. Through your giving, we have:
- Fixed a roof for a Bible School in the Philippines
- Sent relief for persecuted Christians in Sri Lanka
- Bought a fridge for an orphanage in Malaysia
- Sent relief for sufferers after the Boxing Day Tsunami
- Distributed emergency funds for Australian families who lost homes to the bush fires of Black Saturday
- Contributed towards a new van for one of the most effective evangelistic teams in Thailand
- Supported missionaries throughout the world
You have also supported me and our team to go to over 30 nations in the world! As the time draws near to the Second Coming, we are increasing our travels to teach the Word and train Christians in effective evangelism. This is a great work that is requiring more of our time and resources. More than ever, we need your support.
As the years go by, we are not doing less, but MORE and MORE for the End Time Harvest. Everywhere I turn, I see more needs and more opportunities to help people, teach the Word and spread the Gospel. I can't do it without Jesus, but I also can't do it without you.
The Christian life is the most rewarding life. We suffer temporarily for eternal gains. I call my partners to keep praying, giving, loving and going!
Pastor Steve Cioccolanti