争对全世界日益增长的自然灾害,是否有相应的圣经解释?我们是否接近临界点?当突如其来的事件震动一个人或一个 国家时,基督徒应该能以圣经亲切的回应。你将从圣经和历史中学到何时一个国家到达他的“临界点”。 Is there a Biblical explanation for the in...
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击败疲惫:如何保持活力和受鼓舞(英语和华语) 基督徒蒙召是为了服务,不是被累死!许多人在真空的情况下仍然在努力,然而神要我们精神饱满,以便进一步前进! 在这个DVD中,你将学习一些简单但令人难忘的技巧,可以帮助你保持平衡,受鼓舞,长远有成�...
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末世时代的财政祝福与咒诅(英语和华语) 基督徒在世界体系有独特表现的需要没有比现在更加迫切。虽然许多经济学家都预测一个长期的全球性危机,基督徒不应该感到像和世界一同被诅咒,而是准备祝福世界。神要我们在末世时代成为祝福,使福音能在经济动...
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如何理解末世经文(英语和华语) 解读圣经的规则简单易学也容易应用。一旦你掌握了它们,你将能解开许多困难的圣经经文的含义,包括有关我们现在生活且最令人兴奋的时代,末世时代!这张DVD是英语原声, 华语同声解说。 The rules of Bible Interpretation are simple...
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如何带你的家人得救 : 神和你一样心切地盼望你的家人得救!师智迪牧师接受主耶稣后,在短短的一年内相继带领他的直系亲属得救,学习他在这其中使用的六个重要步骤会帮助我们自己所爱的人。记住在属灵上我们对自己的家人是有权柄的 - 你可以在今天�...
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"One of the books that I really read from cover to cover. I bought 10 copies and distributed them to my friends. I was once a Buddhist and this book really opened up my eyes. It is a must read for all Buddhists, Eastern religion followers or even Christians who are looking for a way to reach out to these groups of people. Steve Cioccolanti was a...
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[Audio only]"One of the books that I really read from cover to cover. I bought 10 copies and distributed them to my friends. I was once a Buddhist and this book really opened up my eyes. It is a must read for all Buddhists, Eastern religion followers or even Christians who are looking for a way to reach out to these groups of people. Steve Cioccolanti was a...
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[Audio only]如何带你的家人得救 : 神和你一样心切地盼望你的家人得救!师智迪牧师接受主耶稣后,在短短的一年内相继带领他的直系亲属得救,学习他在这其中使用的六个重要步骤会帮助我们自己所爱的人。记住在属灵上我们对自己的家人是有权柄的 - 你可以在今天�...
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5775 in the Jewish calendar translates in Hebrew as the year to see God. How do current events, particularly beheadings relate to biblical end times prophecy? Colour is a significant identifier of the 4 horsemen in pre-tribulation. What information can we infer from these colours in relation to countries involved? Find out where we may be in the...
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Jesus warned, “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord…Then I will profess to them, I never knew you.” (Matthew 7:21-23) The first sign of the last days is the great deception, but what kind of deceivers did Jesus warn us about? How do we identify them? How can we prevent ourselves from being deceived ourselves? This message will also ...
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Prayer is the most powerful communication we have with God, yet most Christian struggle to allocate time for prayer until they have a pressing need for divine intervention. In this sermon, Pastor Steve shares about his true motivation for praying an hour per day. If you are struggling with inconsistencies in your prayer life, this sermon...
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This DVD is a power-packed with new revelation about: - The Secrets of Moses' Tabernacle (a new prophetic timeline you MUST know!) - The Mountain of God (building up to the climax of end times) - Church history every Christian should be taught - The pros and cons of denominationsAU$14.95Add to Cart
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The nation of Israel is a tiny, yet significant nation. This nation gave us the Bible, the world's major monotheistic religions, and the Messiah! She is the only nation that disappeared off the map and has come back into existence after nearly 2000 years. Find out how Israel came into being, why God called her and how God will use her ag...
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