What is worship? Is it merely getting excited with the music we hear at church? What kind of worship is considered pleasing to God? Lucifer used to be the worship leader in Heaven. Why did he end up losing his job and banished to hell? Worship, if done correctly with the right attitude, will take your relationship with God to a whole ...
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[Audio only]Part 1 - Sow in Tears, Reap in Joy Your level of joy needs to be monitored. Without joy, the Bible says we are not in faith. Without joy, we will not reap a harvest, even though we may have been faithful to sow seeds. Therefore, don't let the devil steal your joy! Whatever you have been waiting for - be it the salvation of loved ones, phy...
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Part 1 - Sow in Tears, Reap in Joy Your level of joy needs to be monitored. Without joy, the Bible says we are not in faith. Without joy, we will not reap a harvest, even though we may have been faithful to sow seeds. Therefore, don't let the devil steal your joy! Whatever you have been waiting for - be it the salvation of loved ones, phys...
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[Audio only]Your level of joy needs to be monitored. Without joy, the Bible says we are not in faith. Without joy, we will not reap a harvest, even though we may have been faithful to sow seeds. Therefore, don't let the devil steal your joy! Whatever you have been waiting for - be it the salvation of loved ones, physical healing, or a financial breakthr...
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Your level of joy needs to be monitored. Without joy, the Bible says we are not in faith. Without joy, we will not reap a harvest, even though we may have been faithful to sow seeds. Therefore, don't let the devil steal your joy! Whatever you have been waiting for - be it the salvation of loved ones, physical healing, or a financial breakthr...
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[Audio only]Uncover the truth about the Paris Attacks which occurred on Friday the 13th of November 2015. How was it linked to Isaiah 17 and the prophecy of the Destruction of Damascus? Pastor Steve explains the significance of the terrorists’ last words: “This is for Syria!” and “Allah Akhbar!” How should Christians respond to reactions from the ...
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Uncover the truth about the Paris Attacks which occurred on Friday the 13th of November 2015. How was it linked to Isaiah 17 and the prophecy of the Destruction of Damascus? Pastor Steve explains the significance of the terrorists’ last words: “This is for Syria!” and “Allah Akhbar!” How should Christians respond to reactions from the ...
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[Audio only]Many believe there is a conflict between science and the Bible. In this teaching, facts and biblical truths are presented and reveals how space, planets and many other scientific discoveries all points to not only the Bible, but also Jesus' soon coming. Learn how new scientific discoveries and natural disasters can be explained by the Bible ...
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Many believe there is a conflict between science and the Bible. In this teaching, facts and biblical truths are presented and it's revealed how space, planets and many other scientific discoveries all point to not only the Bible, but also Jesus' soon coming. Learn how new scientific discoveries and natural disasters can be explained by t...
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This pack include the following titles: 11 DVDs from The Book Of Revelation Course (12 DVDs) - The Book of Revelation for Dummies (DVD) - The Kingdom Parables & the Churches of Revelation (DVD) - The Catholic & Protestant Churches in Prophecy (DVD) - The Last Church (With Answers About Deliverance) (DVD) - Revelation 4-19: War...
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[Audio only]Some believe there is a conflict between science and the Bible. In this teaching, Bible predictions are compared to scientific discoveries. Observances of changes on the earth, other planets of the solar system and in outer space all point to the truth of the Bible and the soon return of Jesus. Learn how new scientific discoveries and natural di...
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Spiritual seekers want to know if the Bible is true and accurate. Here now is undeniable proof from recent scientific discoveries and fulfillments of prophecy. If the Bible is truly God’s Word, then waste no time to read it, believe it, and live it! See also Undeniable Proof You Are Living In The End Time Series (3 DVDs)AU$14.95Add to Cart
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[Audio only]The coming of the Messiah seems to mean different things to Jews and Christians. Examining Ezekiel 38 and Zechariah 5 in depth, Pastor Steve Cioccolanti leads watchers on a discovery of the Messiah that few have understood. As signs of the Messiah are coming, very specific judgments are foretold in apocalyptic language. What is the Gog Mago...
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If God is loving and powerful, why does He allow suffering? Why do bad things happen to devout Christians? Where was God during the Haiti earthquake in 2010 that killed 300,000 people? Where was God in the famine in North Korea that killed 3 million people? Where was God during the Nepalese earthquake in 2015 that killed 8,000 people? These ...
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[Audio only]If God is loving and powerful, why does He allow suffering? Why do bad things happen to devout Christians? Where was God during the Haiti earthquake in 2010 that killed 300,000 people? Where was God in the famine in North Korea that killed 3 million people? Where was God during the Nepalese earthquake in 2015 that killed 8000 people? These a...
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Why do bad things happen to good people? Why do some "exemplary" Christians die of sickness while some unbelievers get healed? If God is a God of Justice, how do we answer such questions? Pastor Steve explains that our faith cannot go beyond the question mark “?”. This teaching on tragedy will restore your faith and help you minister to ...
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[Audio only]This is a mature series for believers who want the “meat” and not just the “milk” of the Word. Jesus is the greatest example of submission to authority. God is a God of order and He is establishing authority and submission over the earth so that His Son can reign. One of the most common beliefs about submission is that we can be subm...
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One of the most important messages of our time: Is it ever OK for Christians to disobey? What is the Biblical response to evil rulers? Is there such a thing as "innocent disobedience”? Taking through both the Bible and history, Pastor Steve tackles some of the most difficult questions of our faith. You will learn about a Boston preacher ...
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Some believe there is a conflict between science and the Bible. In this teaching, Bible predictions are compared to scientific discoveries. Observances of changes on the earth, other planets of the solar system and in outer space all point to the truth of the Bible and the soon return of Jesus. Learn how new scientific discoveries and natural di...
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