Does the Book of Revelation seem shrouded in mystery to you? It doesn't have to be! Follow Pastor Steve as he guides you through this last book of the Bible, emphasizing practical application for you today as well as commenting about currents events and the future foretold... See also The Book Of Revelation Course (12 DVDs)AU$14.95Add to Cart
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Prophecy both excites and scares people. Are the Bible's predictions of the future relevant today? What are the signs we may be living in the last days? Is the world system coming to an end or is this merely religious scare mongering? Will Christians be raptured? Who is or are the Anti-Christ(s)?... See also End Times Series (8 DVDs)AU$14.95Add to Cart
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This DVD is part 10 of the 4000 Years of History: From Creation to Christ Series (12 DVDs). A visual overview of the Old Testament every Christian should know. In these 12 sessions, Pastor Steve graphically presents the evidence for and against creation, evolution, the worldwide flood. He tackles tough questions such as: Who built the pyramids? ...
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This DVD is part 12 of the 4000 Years of History: From Creation to Christ Series (12 DVDs). A visual overview of the Old Testament every Christian should know. In these 12 sessions, Pastor Steve graphically presents the evidence for and against creation, evolution, and the worldwide flood. He tackles tough questions such as: Who built the pyrami...
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Does the Book of Revelation seem shrouded in mystery to you? It doesn't have to be! Follow Pastor Steve as he guides you through this last book of the Bible, emphasizing practical application for you today as well as commenting about currents events and the future foretold... See also The Book Of Revelation Course (12 DVDs)AU$14.95Add to Cart
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This DVD is part 10 of the 4000 Years of History Series. A visual overview of the Old Testament every Christian should know. In these 12 sessions, Pastor Steve graphically presents the evidence for and against creation, evolution, the worldwide flood. He tackles tough questions such as: Who built the pyramids? Why did God command Israel to wipe ...
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This DVD is part 12 of the 4000 Years of History: From Creation to Christ Series (Indonesian Subtitled) (12 DVDs). A visual overview of the Old Testament every Christian should know. In these 12 sessions, Pastor Steve graphically presents the evidence for and against creation, evolution, and the worldwide flood. He tackles tough questions such a...
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This power-packed message covers both eternal issues and timely news: - What are the Blood Moons telling us? - Why did terrorists target Belgium? - Where is Molenbeek, nicknamed “Europe’s terrorist capital”? - Who is the “Woman Riding the Beast” of Revelation 17? - Are Angela Merkel and Hillary Clinton in Bible prophecy? - What di...
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This MP3 is Part 2 of the Hebrew Roots Series. Any serious student of end time prophecy must learn the Hebrew Roots of Scripture. From the 7 day creation account to the 7 Feasts of God, Pastor Steve gives a comprehensive introduction to the prophetic timelines contained in the Bible. Learn how Jewish sages interpreted solar eclipses and luna...
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[Audio only]This power-packed message covers both eternal issues and timely news: - What are the Blood Moons telling us? - Why did terrorists target Belgium? - Where is Molenbeek, nicknamed “Europe’s terrorist capital”? - Who is the “Woman Riding the Beast” of Revelation 17? - Are Angela Merkel and Hillary Clinton in Bible prophecy? - What did t...
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[Audio only]The sudden rise of ISIS has been followed by a mass migration of Muslim refugees into Europe. Prophecy watchers realise these events coincide with the tetrad or 4 blood moons falling on God’s holy days. Conflicting opinions call this news a humanitarian crisis, illegal immigration, or unwelcome invasion. What does the Bible say about it? Can y...
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[Audio only]If World War III started today, what happens next? Would America "win" WW3? Which nations would be involved? Who wants war more - Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump? How many people could be killed? How exactly did we arrive at the point of imminent nuclear disaster? See also: World War III Series (7 CDs) Testimonies: 22luey Wow S...
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Jesus has given us a clear model to understanding the end times. He said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man” (Matthew 24:37). What really happened back then? How similar were those times to our current events? Will there be mass revival in the last days or mass apostasy? Will the coming Kingdom...
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[Audio only]Jesus has given us a clear model to understanding the end times. He said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man” (Matthew 24:37). What really happened back then? How similar were those times to our current events? Will there be mass revival in the last days or mass apostasy? Will the coming Kingdom...
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61% of Millennials now get their news from Facebook. Is it any wonder young people lack a Biblical worldview of politics? The Book of Enoch contains a prophecy that appears to be fulfilled by both Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu. There appears to be many signs pointing to Donald Trump as God’s End-Time President and Benjamin Netanyahu as Y...
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[Audio only]61% of Millennials now get their news from Facebook. Is it any wonder young people lack a Biblical worldview of politics? The Book of Enoch contains a prophecy that appears to be fulfilled by both Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu. Combined with the “58 Code” - which must be deciphered in the Hebrew language - there appears to be many sign...
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The sudden rise of ISIS has been followed by a mass migration of Muslim refugees into Europe. Prophecy watchers realise these events coincide with the tetrad or 4 blood moons falling on God’s holy days. Conflicting opinions call this news a humanitarian crisis, illegal immigration, or unwelcome invasion. What does the Bible say about it? Can y...
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In 1980, a man claimed have received a detailed vision of the Tribulation, and the days leading up to it. Was he delusional or is there substance in his warnings? Pastor Steve Cioccolanti embarks on authenticating his amazing claims. Was the vision Scriptural? To what extent has the vision come true? How close are we to the days of Tribulation? ...
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[Audio only]In 1980, a man claimed have received a detailed vision of the Tribulation, and the days leading up to it. Was he delusional or is there substance in his warnings? Pastor Steve Cioccolanti embarks on authenticating his amazing claims. Was the vision Scriptural? To what extent has the vision come true? How close are we to the days of Tribulation? ...
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[Audio only]If patterns in history show the way forward, what can we learn from Biblical history? What have Jews learnt from history that causes them to hold much of the world's wealth? See and hear 6000 years of history like you have never seen or heard it before as Pastor Steve Cioccolanti charts the Bible in chronological order connecting biblical ev...
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