There’s little doubt that dreams and visions from God are on the increase in the end times! Both Peter and Joel said: "And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see VISIONS, your old men shall dream DREAMS." (Acts 2:17) God communicated through dreams to godly people like Jacob, Joseph, Daniel and Mary’s husband Joseph. The question is: how to correctly interpret dreams?
Pastor Steve’s teaching unveils the language of dreams. You will understand:
- 5 facts about dreams
- 5 big principles to help you interpret your dreams
- hidden meanings in the original languages of the Bible, Greek and Hebrew
- how God loves to use puns and play on words
- prophetic symbolism such as snakes, teeth, crocodiles and crabs
- how to interpret the Bible as great literature that employs literary devices
You will also hear 2 practical examples of:
- a vision of Israel’s future seen by a 15-year old Jewish boy who died for 15 minutes
- a controversial prophecy of Donald Trump
See God’s wit, humour and playfulness. Come, enter into a whole new level of communication with God, the Master Communicator!
Titles in this series:
- Dream Code (including Vision of Nathan a 15-year-old Jewish Boy)
- Dream Code (including The Donald Trump Prophecy)
- Prophecies for 2022-24 | John Paul Jackson's Perfect Storm Warnings
- 4 Steps to the Beast System & Economic Collapse | Was the Future Revealed in a Dream to Chris Reed?
Rita Schultz
That is what the NOW wants !
Alsuts Frampton
Thank you so very much Steve for this amazing presentation & how you have consolidated many of the prophetical visions into a practical illustration for even the simple to understand. A true teacher is able to impart knowledge to the hearer. The Lord Bless, Keep & protect you in all your ways. I personally wait in anticipation for your confirmation in a nutshell.
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