This DVD is part 10 of the 4000 Years of History Series. A visual overview of the Old Testament every Christian should know. In these 12 sessions, Pastor Steve graphically presents the evidence for and against creation, evolution, the worldwide flood. He tackles tough questions such as: Who built the pyramids? Why did God command Israel to wipe ...
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A visual overview of the Old Testament every Christian should know about. In these 12 sessions DVD series, Steve graphically presents the evidence for and against the most debated topic on Creation, Evolution, the Worldwide Flood (Noah Flood) and much more. He tackles the most common questions: Who are the real builders of Pyramids? Why did God ...
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日本人は「過程」を大切にします。では、神様は? 神の子イエスは「人の子の現れるのも、ちょうどノアの時のようであろう。」(マタイ24:37)と言われました。 では、それは一体どのような時だったのか。ノアとその家族以外の全人類が大洪水によって滅...
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Dari Budha Hingga Yesus DVD (From Buddha to Jesus - English Language with Indonesian Interpretation)Note: This product is bilingual English - Indonesian and has been discounted as a result of low resolution. Pernahkah anda berpikir bagaimana memperkenalkan injil kepada teman-teman anda dari kalangan agama Budha baik sahabat, saudara, atau bahkan keluarga anda sendiri? Steve Cioccolanti, seorang penulis buku-buku kristiani, sekaligus peng...
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Prayer is the most powerful communication we have with God, yet most Christian struggle to allocate time for prayer until they have a pressing need for divine intervention. In this sermon, Pastor Steve shares about his true motivation for praying an hour per day. If you are struggling with inconsistencies in your prayer life, this sermon...
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This DVD is a power-packed with new revelation about: - The Secrets of Moses' Tabernacle (a new prophetic timeline you MUST know!) - The Mountain of God (building up to the climax of end times) - Church history every Christian should be taught - The pros and cons of denominationsAU$14.95Add to Cart
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The nation of Israel is a tiny, yet significant nation. This nation gave us the Bible, the world's major monotheistic religions, and the Messiah! She is the only nation that disappeared off the map and has come back into existence after nearly 2000 years. Find out how Israel came into being, why God called her and how God will use her ag...
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[Audio only]At Discover Ministries our aim is to equip and motivate people to live for eternity. We pray that this inspired message will bless you, and your family and friends! -
Jesus warned, “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord…Then I will profess to them, I never knew you.” (Matthew 7:21-23) The first sign of the last days is the great deception, but what kind of deceivers did Jesus warn us about? How do we identify them? How can we prevent ourselves from being deceived ourselves? This message will also ...
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1980年、聖書を知らない未信者に、艱難の時代のビジョンが与えられました。それは7年に渡る苦難の時を表し、まさに聖書に書かれていた通りのものでした。そのビジョンは聖書的だったのか? そのビジョンはどこまで本当だった(成就した)のか? 艱難の...
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At Discover Ministries our aim is to equip and motivate people to live for eternity. We pray that this inspired message will bless you, and your family and friends!
果たして本当に今こそがイエスの再臨の前の終わりの時なのか。神様はそれを知らせるための様々なサインを残していますが、中でも顕著なのは黙示録12章、男児を産み落とそうとしている天空の不思議な女性の存在。Pastor Steve Cioccolantiは、科学的証拠をもと...
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トランプは神に選ばれた終わりの時の大統領なのか。Pastor Steve Cioccolantiが「58コード」の意味を解き明かし、日本人へアジア社会における西洋フェミニズムの影響を警告します。アメリカに10年以上在住したアジアの聖書研究者のアメリカ政治における見解は...
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[Audio only]Get a big picture of what God has been doing historically and why there must be revival in Asia and the Middle East before the end comes. This message was delivered by Pastor Steve in Vietnam with interpretation. The quality of recording is not at the same standard as Discover Media’s production in Australia, but the content is worth it. God h...
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[Audio only]Have you ever wondered how you could introduce the gospel of Christ to your buddhist friends, relatives or even your own family? Steve Cioccolanti, a Christian author, a prolific teacher of God's Word and pastor of an international church in Australia, presents a unique and amazing insights into buddhist culture & eastern thinking that will ...
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Have you ever wondered how you could introduce the gospel of Christ to your Buddhist friends, relatives or even your own family? Steve Cioccolanti, a Christian author, a prolific teacher of God's Word and pastor of an international church in Australia, presents a unique and amazing insights into Buddhist culture & Eastern thinking that will ...
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Get a big picture of what God has been doing historically and why there must be revival in Asia and the Middle East before the end comes. This message was delivered by Pastor Steve in Vietnam with interpretation. The quality of recording is not at the same standard as Discover Media’s production in Australia, but the content is worth it. God h...
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[Audio only]どうしてクリスチャンは偶像を崇拝しないのか? 仏教徒がイエスよりも先に生きていたとしたら、なぜイエスを信じなくてはならないのか? キリスト教は西洋の宗教ではないのか? 宗教はみな同じではないのか? 「ブッダからイエスへ」の著者、ス...
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