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  • The Life of Joseph: Demotion Before Promotion (The Prison)
    [Audio only]
    Did you know it took Joseph 22 years before his dream and destiny was fulfilled? Why did the process take so long? How did Joseph fulfil his destiny and totally surrender in the knowledge that "God meant it for good"? In this teaching, Pastor Steve identifies 5 stages to the life of Joseph. Find out which stage you are in and how to graduate to ...

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  • What you MUST Believe to Receive Healing
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    This CD is part 3 of the Healing School Series. If your car broke down, a good automechanic would go through a checklist to determine what was wrong with the car. Likewise when we pray for the sick to be healed, Christians should have a scriptural checklist to see how best to help the recipient. In this series Pastor Steve shows how every believ...

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  • The Top Secret to Receiving Healing
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    This CD is part 5 of the Healing School Series. If your car broke down, a good automechanic would go through a checklist to determine what was wrong with the car. Likewise when we pray for the sick to be healed, Christians should have a scriptural checklist to see how best to help the recipient. In this series Pastor Steve shows how every believ...

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  • Steps to Witnessing & Healing
    [Audio only]
    This CD is part 6 of the Healing School Series. If your car broke down, a good automechanic would go through a checklist to determine what was wrong with the car. Likewise when we pray for the sick to be healed, Christians should have a scriptural checklist to see how best to help the recipient. In this series Pastor Steve shows how every believ...

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  • How to Be Healing Technicians
    [Audio only]
    This CD is part 7 of the Healing School Series. If your car broke down, a good automechanic would go through a checklist to determine what was wrong with the car. Likewise when we pray for the sick to be healed, Christians should have a scriptural checklist to see how best to help the recipient. In this series Pastor Steve shows how every believ...

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  • Every Healing Jesus Performed
    [Audio only]
    This CD is part 2 of the Healing School Series. If your car broke down, a good automechanic would go through a checklist to determine what was wrong with the car. Likewise when we pray for the sick to be healed, Christians should have a scriptural checklist to see how best to help the recipient. In this series Pastor Steve shows how every believ...

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  • Does God Work in Mysterious Ways?
    [Audio only]
    This CD is part 1 of the Healing School Series. If your car broke down, a good automechanic would go through a checklist to determine what was wrong with the car. Likewise when we pray for the sick to be healed, Christians should have a scriptural checklist to see how best to help the recipient. In this series Pastor Steve shows how every believ...

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  • 7 Ways God Heals Us
    [Audio only]
    This CD is part 4 of the Healing School Series. If your car broke down, a good automechanic would go through a checklist to determine what was wrong with the car. Likewise when we pray for the sick to be healed, Christians should have a scriptural checklist to see how best to help the recipient. In this series Pastor Steve shows how every believ...

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  • Healing School Series
    [Audio only]
    If your car broke down, a good automechanic would go through a checklist to determine what was wrong with the car. Likewise when we pray for the sick to be healed, Christians should have a scriptural checklist to see how best to help the recipient. In this series Pastor Steve shows how every believers can not only be healed, but also become a he...

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  • 5 Signs of Genuine Grace
    [Audio only]
    What is true grace? Are you eating from the tree of life or the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? How do you know if you have been touched by the grace of God? Learn to discern 5 characteristics of true grace with Ps Steve, that His grace may transform you and touch others. Choose life today.
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  • 7 Things You Must Know to Stop Fear
    [Audio only]
    For God has given us not a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. What is fear? Where did fear come from? Can we afford to fear and how serious is it when we fear? To live without fear is true freedom. Learn to recognise and conquer your fears in this liberating sermon by Pastor Steve. See also ABC's of Defeating Fear Serie...

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  • Top Questions - Did Jesus Learn Buddhism in India?
    [Audio only]
    Some people think Jesus travelled to India around the age of 12 to learn the Gospel from Buddhist monks, and then returned to Palestine at the age of 30. What really happened to Jesus during his "missing years"? Learn the truth behind these claims and explore the Scriptures to answer this popular question! See also Answers Series (12 CDs...

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  • Faith In Love
    [Audio only]
    Everyone has some measure of faith. Learn how to boost it and use it! Pastor Steve takes a familiar topic that needs to be re-visited in the Body of Christ and brings a new dimension that will change your life immediately! See also Upgrading Your Faith Series (6 CDs)
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  • How to Apply Faith to Your Behavior
    [Audio only]
    Everyone has some measure of faith. Learn how to boost it and use it! Pastor Steve takes a familiar topic that needs to be re-visited in the Body of Christ and brings a new dimension that will change your life immediately! See also Upgrading Your Faith Series (6 CDs)
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  • Faith & the 4 Personalities: Our Need for Certainty
    [Audio only]
    Everyone has some measure of faith. Learn how to boost it and use it! Pastor Steve takes a familiar topic that needs to be re-visited in the Body of Christ and brings a new dimension that will change your life immediately! See also Upgrading Your Faith Series (6 CDs)
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  • Faith & Your Future: Why Faith Plans
    [Audio only]
    Everyone has some measure of faith. Learn how to boost it and use it! Pastor Steve takes a familiar topic that needs to be re-visited in the Body of Christ and brings a new dimension that will change your life immediately! See also Upgrading Your Faith Series (6 CDs)
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  • Faith Potential & Limits: Who Will God Listen to?
    [Audio only]
    Everyone has some measure of faith. Learn how to boost it and use it! Pastor Steve takes a familiar topic that needs to be re-visited in the Body of Christ and brings a new dimension that will change your life immediately! See also Upgrading Your Faith Series (6 CDs)
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  • Faith & Feelings: How to Manage Your Emotions by Faith
    [Audio only]
    Everyone has some measure of faith. Learn how to boost it and use it! Pastor Steve takes a familiar topic that needs to be re-visited in the Body of Christ and brings a new dimension that will change your life immediately! See also Upgrading Your Faith Series (6 CDs)
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  • The Antichrist Christians Should Expect
    [Audio only]
    Does the Book of Revelation seem shrouded in mystery to you? It doesn't have to be! Follow Pastor Steve as he guides you through this last book of the Bible, emphasizing practical application for you today as well as commenting about currents events and the future foretold... See also The Book Of Revelation Series (10 CDs) 
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  • The Antichrist Jews Should Expect
    [Audio only]
    Does the Book of Revelation seem shrouded in mystery to you? It doesn't have to be! Follow Pastor Steve as he guides you through this last book of the Bible, emphasizing practical application for you today as well as commenting about currents events and the future foretold... See also The Book Of Revelation Series (10 CDs) 
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