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  • Dream Code (including The Donald Trump Prophecy)
    [Audio only]
    "Have you ever been challenged: “You don’t take the Bible literally, do you!” Find out how to approach the Bible not only as prophetic revelation, but also as great literature! Did you know that God loves puns and play on words? What layers of hidden meanings does the Bible hold when we understand its original Hebrew and Greek languages? H...

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  • Myths Atheists Believe
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    While atheists make the bold claim that “the Bible is a bunch of myths written by man,” Pastor Steve equips Christians to spot and debunk the myths, taboos and dogmas surrounding atheism. By watching this DVD, you will be confident that God's claims are grounded in facts and atheism is nothing more than a religion of blind faith. Get...

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  • Atheists Don't Exist
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    While atheists make the bold claim that "God doesn't exist", Pastor Steve equips Christians to make the bolder claim that "atheists don't exist!" By watching this series you will become confident that God's claims are grounded in facts and atheism is nothing more than a religion of blind faith. Get answers to common atheistic cla...

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  • Keys to Unity In Your Marriage & Church
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    Christians tend to have a fuzzy concept of “love and unity”. There is true unity and false unity - how do we tell the difference? There are different levels of unity - what are they? What if a Christian is divisive and sows discord, how would we love them? What if we disagree with another Christian's doctrine, which principle takes prece...

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  • How to Be Better Friends Than Job’s Comforters
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    The story of Job occupies 42 chapters of the Bible: 7 chapters on the divine perspective, 35 chapters on the human perspective. In this session, Pastor Steve emphasizes the human side of the story. Suffering is not unique to the Book of Job, but Job’s reaction and interaction with his four friends are a unique contribution to the Bible. Not ma...

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  • 2 Things to Avoid During the Trials of Life
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    The story of Job occupies 42 chapters of the Bible: 7 chapters on the divine perspective, 35 chapters on the human perspective. In this first session, Pastor Steve explores the divine side of this story and challenges us to the idea that Job may be famous for the wrong reasons! You will learn little known facts about Job that may change your per...

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  • Dream Code (including Vision of Nathan a 15-year-old Jewish Boy)
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    Does God still speak to us in dreams? Do you dream or see “visions of the night” as Jacob and Daniel saw? Do you see visions in the day? How do you interpret dreams? In this video, you will learn 5 facts about dreams and 5 big principles to help you interpret your dreams. Hear also examples of dreams, including a controversial vision of the ...

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  • What Singles Should Know About How to Prevent Divorce
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    One of the best pre-marital preparations for singles is to learn about divorce before the wedding. This is one of the distinctives of Orthodox Jewish marriage, and may account for their low rate of divorce. Pastor Steve lists 5 steps the church can take to prevent or lower the rate of divorce among Christians. What are the most common causes of ...

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  • What the Bible Really Says About Divorce & Remarriage: Jesus & Paul's Views of Divorce & Remarriage
    [Audio only]
    People need to be set free from the pain and confusion of family breakdown. Coming to Christ should mean hope and healing, yet too often unscriptural myths, stigma and confusion surround the topic of divorce and remarriage. Over 3 sessions, Pastor Steve tackles some controversial issues like: When does God permit divorce? Did Jesus contradict Mo...

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  • What the Bible Really Says About Divorce & Remarriage: Christian vs Jewish View of Divorce
    [Audio only]
    The high divorce rate of Christians compared to the low divorce rate among Orthodox Jews forces us to ask ourselves: why? What are the differences in beliefs and practices? Over 3 sessions, Pastor Steve explores the implications of the church’s traditions and compares them to Scriptures. One common tradition taught by church leaders is that di...

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  • Vision, Mission & Core Values: The Power of Dreamboards
    [Audio only]
    God's word says "what you conceive, you can achieve" and "what you believe, you will receive". Your life will move in the direction of your most dominant thought. What is your focus? Do you have a vision? In this teaching, Pastor Steve Cioccolanti shares 4 empowering ways to turn your vision into reality! See also Visions, Mission & Core...

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  • 5 Sources of Lasting Joy
    [Audio only]
    Joy is central to Christian life. That is why the devil is after our joy! Have you misplaced your joy? In one-hour, you will discover: - 7 reasons why joy is crucial to your success - the difference between happiness and joy - 5 sources of lasting joy - 7 causes of sorrow You will be able to pray like King David, “Restore unto m...

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  • Sow in Tears, Reap in Joy
    [Audio only]
    Your level of joy needs to be monitored. Without joy, the Bible says we are not in faith. Without joy, we will not reap a harvest, even though we may have been faithful to sow seeds. Therefore, don't let the devil steal your joy! Whatever you have been waiting for - be it the salvation of loved ones, physical healing, or a financial breakthr...

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  • The Truth About Paris: "This is for Syria!"
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    Uncover the truth about the Paris Attacks which occurred on Friday the 13th of November 2015. How was it linked to Isaiah 17 and the prophecy of the Destruction of Damascus? Pastor Steve explains the significance of the terrorists’ last words: “This is for Syria!” and “Allah Akhbar!” How should Christians respond to reactions from the ...

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  • God of China
    [Audio only]
    Is the Bible a Western book as viewed by many Chinese? How is Chinese, the oldest written language in the world linked to the Gospel? Behold our God of all nations as Pastor Steve Cioccolanti deconstructs Chinese characters, revealing the fascinating links and learn how you can explain the gospel to the Chinese in an impacting way! See also ...

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  • Daniel's Vision Explains The Immigration Crisis
    [Audio only]
    The sudden rise of ISIS has been followed by a mass migration of Muslim refugees into Europe. Prophecy watchers realise these events coincide with the tetrad or 4 blood moons falling on God’s holy days. Conflicting opinions call this news a humanitarian crisis, illegal immigration, or unwelcome invasion. What does the Bible say about it? Can y...

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  • Undeniable Proof Messiah is Coming Soon
    [Audio only]
    The coming of the Messiah seems to mean different things to Jews and Christians. Examining Ezekiel 38 and Zechariah 5 in depth, Pastor Steve Cioccolanti leads watchers on a discovery of the Messiah that few have understood. As signs of the Messiah are coming, very specific judgments are foretold in apocalyptic language. What is the Gog Mago...

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  • Undeniable Proof The Bible Prophecy is Real
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    Spiritual seekers want to know if the Bible is true and accurate. Here now is undeniable proof from recent scientific discoveries and fulfillments of prophecy. If the Bible is truly God’s Word, then waste no time to read it, believe it, and live it! See also Undeniable Proof You Are Living In The End Time (3 CDs)
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  • Undeniable Proof You Are Living in the End Times
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    Some believe there is a conflict between science and the Bible. In this teaching, Bible predictions are compared to scientific discoveries. Observances of changes on the earth, other planets of the solar system and in outer space all point to the truth of the Bible and the soon return of Jesus. Learn how new scientific discoveries and natural di...

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  • Where is God During Personal Tragedies?
    [Audio only]
    Why do bad things happen to good people? Why do some "exemplary" Christians die of sickness while some unbelievers get healed? If God is a God of Justice, how do we answer such questions? Pastor Steve explains that our faith cannot go beyond the question mark “?”. This teaching on tragedy will restore your faith and help you minister to ...

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