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  • Where is Mystery Babylon?
    Mystery Babylon is not a mystery anymore! What is taking place in Saudi Arabia, and how can it affect you? What will take place in the end times? Are we living in the end times now? You will receive knowledge and clarity on end time events that are coming to pass even now. This product is part of Where Is Series (2 D...

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  • 3 Visions of the Tribulation — the Blueprint! Ken Peters, Brandon, Pastor Phillip Barnette
    Do you fear the great tribulation? Are you afraid of being left behind and experience this troubling time? Pastor Steve Cioccolanti takes you on a captivating journey to visualize what the Great Tribulation will look like. Examining two visions from ordinary people and consolidating the details with Scripture, we get a close look into the most h...

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  • I Know What's Coming Next 2024-2034
    The Red Horse is galloping! How far away are we from the Tribulation? What can we expect in the coming years? Pastor Steve Cioccolanti delves into Scripture and historical events to unveil an eye-opening timeline which will prepare you for what lies ahead. From the recent riots in France to impending global events. Learn when to expect a great e...

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  • How Global Corruption Works | FTX Collapse Bombshell
    Why should you care about this? Because, it is the last edge before the world falls into the Anti-Christ’s control. In this eye-opening teaching Pastor Steve reveals: - the one person (Sam Bankman-Fried) and the one event that has exposed the deep-state network of worldwide corruption, involving the Ukraine, the USA, the US Democrats, Binanc...

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  • The Mystery of the 2 Witnesses | Who Will Reveal Revelation to the Jews?
    Revelation 11 reveals that God will send two anointed evangelists in the End Times. In this teaching Pastor Steve Cioccolanti goes on a scriptural journey to reveal who these anointed men are, as there is a lot of confusion and debate about this in the church. He takes the time to journey deep into God’s mysteries. Everything in the bible make...

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  • The Black & Green Horse of the Apocalypse | 5 Lies About Russia & Ukraine
    Months on from the start of the Russian Ukraine war Pastor Steve Cioccolanti highlights the hidden secrets of darkness that have now been exposed in this war. He exposes the lies that people repeatedly fall for and the lunacy of Green Theology. We ARE living in crazy times. The Antichrist Empire of Globalism is upon us but God has His reset plan...

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  • The Red Horse of the Apocalypse | Trump was Right About the Climate Crisis & Energy War
    After defining the biblical interpretation of a watchman, as referred to in Ezekiel, Pastor Steve Cioccolanti shares a prophetic update including highlighting how accurately Donald Trump warned the United Nations, in 2018, of the encroachment of expanding foreign powers that are now devastating Europe. In biblical times God used unlikely, imperf...

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  • The White Horse of the Apocalypse | The New World Order
    Pastor Steve Cioccolanti openly addresses the agenda of the World Economic Forum/New World Order and points out how fast we are moving towards the Beast System. It is essential the church is aware of the violations of God’s ethics and morality, that are fast eroding, as Satan is preparing for the Antichrist. While Ps Steve exposes the agenda a...

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  • 4 Steps to Discover Your Call: From Pastor to Prophet
    What is your purpose? You were born with a holy call! How do you identify your call, and how do you enter it? In this message by Pastor Steve Cioccolanti, practical steps are presented—the four "P"s—to help you enter your divine calling. Don't let this opportunity slip away; ensure you stay aligned with God's will. Get ready to embra...

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  • 6 Relationships of Honor: Who Should Honor Whom?
    Stream this now on Vimeo! Have you ever heard that God will honor you? What do you need to do for God to honor you? Do you want to transform your life, and strengthen your faith? Then, you need to know the importance of honor, and how you can honor someone. In this 6 DVD series you will learn about: - how to honor God - the connec...

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  • A Culture of Honor: 3 Worldviews that Influence Christians
    Stream this now on Vimeo! Have you ever heard that God will honor you? What do you need to do for God to honor you? Do you want to transform your life, and strengthen your faith? Then, you need to know the importance of honor, and how you can honor someone. In this 6 DVD series you will learn about: - how to honor God - the connect...

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  • Why Honor Matters | Honoring People
    Stream this now on Vimeo! Have you ever heard that God will honor you? What do you need to do for God to honor you? Do you want to transform your life, and strengthen your faith? Then, you need to know the importance of honor, and how you can honor someone. In this 6 DVD series you will learn about: - how to honor God - the connec...

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  • Honor & Mental Health
    Stream this now on Vimeo! Have you ever heard that God will honor you? What do you need to do for God to honor you? Do you want to transform your life, and strengthen your faith? Then, you need to know the importance of honor, and how you can honor someone. In this 6 DVD series you will learn about: - how to honor God - the connec...

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  • How to Honor God
    Stream this now on Vimeo! Have you ever heard that God will honor you? What do you need to do for God to honor you? Do you want to transform your life, and strengthen your faith? Then, you need to know the importance of honor, and how you can honor someone. In this 6 DVD series you will learn about: - how to honor God - the connec...

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  • 8 Steps in Preparing for the Coming Messianic Age
    Are you waiting on God to resolve the Corona Virus disaster? Then you need this clear biblical teaching, on what the bible says is your responsibility to the solution. Pastor Steve Cioccolanti summarizes his teaching series on the hidden blessings God promises in Isaiah 45:3. This step-by-step teaching is drawn from the parallels of the Isr...

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  • The Secrets of the Exodus Journey
    The book of Exodus records one of the greatest miracles of all times – the parting of The Red Sea. In this inspiring teaching Pastor Steve Cioccolanti shares how the crisis of the Corona Virus is actually in the book of Exodus and that the world is in the process of redemption. We are coming to the new Red Sea moment in time and history gives ...

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  • Preparing Israel for the End Times
    Discover Ministries began with Pastor Steve Cioccolanti doing outreach, planting a church, in the spiritually dark, Buddhist nation, of Thailand. It was founded on a principal concept that is hidden in Isaiah 45. Christians know God turns bad things for good but many don’t read on to verse three where Pastor Steve learned to seek the treasures...

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  • Are You Sick of Modern Day Idolatry?
    What is the primary source of sickness? The Old Testament reveals this secret to us. Pastor Steve Cioccolanti explains basic Bible principles that you may have never heard before. This message is key to understanding idolatry. Hear examples of modern-day idols that may surprise you. Solve the mystery of your sickness—get this message now! ...

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  • Diagnosing the Spiritual & Natural Roots of Sickness
    Is sickness caused by sin? Discover how to diagnose the spiritual and natural roots of sickness. By examining 99 cases of healing in the Bible, Pastor Steve Cioccolanti equips you to understand the spiritual and natural causes of sickness. A lesson that brings health into your life. Take practical steps to receive healing and stay healthy. T...

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  • The Spectrum of Healing
    Who is responsible for your healing? What is the spectrum of healing? Find the answers in this video. Pastor Steve Cioccolanti presents 99 cases of healing found in the Bible. Discover how these examples can change your perspective on healing. You will be able to keep your healing when you understand the principles. Obtain your healing today! ...

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