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  • Trump's Unfinished Business: 10 Prophecies to Save America
    Stream this video on Vimeo! This DVD highlights the Biblical model of government not with a hope to replace the current system with the Bible’s—only the Messiah can establish a perfect government on Earth, and He will do that when He returns—but to show world leaders the possibility of a better way. How much Trump and other leaders imp...

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  • 7 Facts About the Timing of God
    Why is God taking so long? Pastor Steve Cioccolanti gives 7 facts about the timing of God and what you can do to receive what you need from him. Titles included in this series: - 7 Facts About the Timing of God - Rules on the Timing of God
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  • What You Need to Know About the Fruit of the Spirit
    >> Stream this message on Vimeo! Pastor Steve Cioccolanti's heart message about how to get rid of your ROOT PROBLEMS, not merely the fruit of depression, anxiety, stress, etc. This can save your soul. He further explains why shallow Christianity comes from shallow repentance, and how to cure it with the Holy Spirit's guidance.
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  • The Injustice of Jesus
    What is the greatest injustice of all time? Pastor Steve Cioccolanti explains in detail Jesus' unjust trials on the Earth and what we can learn from Jesus when we suffer from injustice. You will truly understand what Jesus went through and have a different perspective on what problems you face currently in your life.  This product is pa...

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  • The Highest Level of Faith
    Can we have faith for the issue of injustice in our lives? Pastor Steve Cioccolanti shares examples in the Bible from those who had faith in the justice of God and were restored and redeemed. You will understand about Justice and Righteousness (Grace) and how they both are equally important in forming the foundation of God's throne. This...

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  • How to Set Culture: Vision & Core Values
    >> Stream this message on Vimeo! God's word says "Where there is no vision, the people perish". Your life will move in the direction of your visions and values. Do you have a vision? Do you have values you live by? How do you set culture for your church, family or company?  In this teaching, Pastor Steve Cioccolanti shares how to set ...

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  • Precursors of the Mark of the Beast
    >> Stream this message on Vimeo! Find out what the Bible says about Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook coin—a digital currency called “Libra”, and how Christians should respond to the rapid tokenizaton of human data. Is personal privacy dead? Is globalist control inevitable? Mark Zuckerberg has even said that Facebook replaces the role ...

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  • What's Wrong With The Prosperity Gospel?
    >> Stream this message on Vimeo! The Prosperity Gospel/ Wealth Message is so controversial, most people have emotional reactions to it whether they are pro or anti-wealth. Pastor Steve addresses misquotes of the Bible like "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God" and prov...

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  • Why Christians Fall Away
    Many are on the edge of giving up; they love God but do not know how to go on. Jesus said in Luke 22:31, "Satan has asked to sift each of you like wheat." Did you know that Satan tries to shake you from your destiny? Many will fall away in the end times. How do we not only avoid apostasy, but find and fulfill our desinty? Psalm 37:23 says "...

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  • How To Finish Well
    Many are on the edge of giving up; they love God but do not know how to go on. Jesus said in Luke 22:31, "Satan has asked to sift each of you like wheat." Did you know that Satan tries to shake you from your destiny? Many will fall away in the end times. How do we not only avoid apostasy, but find and fulfill our destiny? Psalm 37:23 says "T...

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  • The 9 Spiritual Gifts: Why Don't We See More Miracles?
    How do you get miracles in life? Why are we not seeing more amazing miracles today? How do we activate our gifts? Why should all Christians speak in tongues? Should Christians be seeking for heavenly dreams and visions? In this video, Pastor Steve elaborates on the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit, and which of these gifts Christians should actively s...

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  • The 9 Spiritual Gifts: What Christians Get Wrong About Speaking in Tongues
    Do you ever feel that it's really hard to enter the spiritual realm? Do you understand how the 9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit work? What are the distinctions between Spiritual Gifts and Ministries Gifts? How do Christians operate the 9 Spiritual Gifts outside of the 5 fold ministries? In this video, Pastor Steve demystifies the Gifts of the Holy...

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  • The 9 Spiritual Gifts: How the Natural & Supernatural Work Together
    Do you ever wish for a supernatural ability to heal, to prophesy, to do miracles? Do you know how to ask for these supernatural gifts? In this video, Pastor Steve Cioccolanti illustrates examples of the manifestations of the Spirit and he explains how the natural and supernatural work together as God wills. See also The 9 Spiritual Gifts Se...

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  • Why The 9 Spiritual Gifts Are Coming Back in the End Times
    The Holy Spirit comes bearing gifts with your name on them. Did you forget to receive them? Discover the power of the supernatural gifts. Do not miss out of these powerful gifts from God, learn how to operate them in your daily life. In this video Pastor Steve teaches this important subject of the Bible -The Manifestation of the Holy Spirit and ...

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  • Donkey Ministry: The Most Neglected Calling
    >> Stream this message on Vimeo! Not all Christians are called to do five-fold ministry, but every Christian is called to help. What is the most neglected ministry among all? The Bible says whoever serves in this ministry is given a supernatural gift. Discover your supernatural gift and how to use it to shine for Jesus. See also Donkey M...

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  • What is the Unforgivable Sin & Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?
    >> Stream this message now on Vimeo! What does the Bible say? Joshua Harris, a mega church pastor and author of "I Kissed Dating Goodbye", disavowing his former faith in Christ and publicizing on Instagram, "I am no longer a Christian”? Pastor Steve Cioccolanti speaks to church leaders about the end time sign of apostasy. How should pas...

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  • Donkey Ministry Series
    >> Stream this message now on Vimeo! In this series, Pastor Steve Cioccolanti introduces God’s Donkey Ministry. Few Christians have thought about the appearance of donkeys at critical junctures in the Bible, and their roles in God’s plan. Are you willing to be a donkey for Jesus? Discover how your destiny and rewards are connected to bei...

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  • 8 Ways To Save Australia
    Pastor Steve Cioccolanti's most Australian sermon! Recommended for those who are involved in Australian politics. Pastor Steve Cioccolanti shares the best speech ever by an Australian politician and from that gives you 8 vital keys to save Australia from evil control and keep it a free, peaceful and prosperous country. 
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  • The Best Kept Secret: How Jews and Christians Interpret the Bible Differently
    >> Stream this message now on Vimeo! Pastor Steve Cioccolanti explains to Christians how Jews interpret the Bible to equip them with a clear understanding of how to reach the Jews through knowledge of the Hebrew language and what are the clues in the Hebrew Bible that point to the Messiah. 
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  • A Christian History of WWII: The Injustices of Adolf Hitler
    >> Stream this message now on Vimeo! Pastor Steve Cioccolanti taught 2-hours on what Nazism really is and what Adolf Hitler really did. Even Baby Boomers who heard the message were astounded by how much they learned that they didn't know before. Young people are being fed a lie that "Trump is Hitler". In many clear ways, he is just the o...

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