Codes, Numbers & Prophecy


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  • Trump's Pro-Christian Accomplishments
    IS TRUMP CHRISTIAN? IS HE GOD’S CHOICE? HOW ARE HIS ACTIONS AFFECTING CHRISTIANS AND BIBLE PROPHECY? This is more than a list of Donald Trump's untold words and actions. This book compares the most significant events of Trump's life and presidency with Scripture and prophecy. Review the evidence. Judge for yourself. "Blown away...

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  • The Divine Agenda of Coronavirus
    Stream this now on Vimeo! Christians know God turns bad things for good but many don’t read on to verse three where Pastor Steve learned to seek the treasures God hides in the darkness. Yes, the Corona Virus has brought deep darkness to the entire world. Stop being of the world, seek the treasures God has hidden and shine His light into ...

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  • The False Accusers of Jesus
    Stream this now on Vimeo! This sermon is a wealth of wisdom shared by Pastor Steve Cioccolanti the week Biden was inaugurated. He is addressing prophets and the church on what the bible teaches about the strong delusion pedaled by the media and why the prophets must not be afraid of the loud minority. Pastor Steve shares the hope we have a...

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  • Is the USA in the Bible? Great American Eclipses of 2017 - 2024
    TOTALLY VINDICATED. The Great American Solar Eclipse on August 21st, 2017 preceded by 4 days, Hurricane Harvey, the STRONGEST hurricane in 12 years. It made landfall near Corpus Christi. Harvey means "Battle-Worthy". Corpus Christi means "Body of Christ". America is now in a 40 day opportunity to repent before Yom Kippur. Don't waste t...

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  • Trump's Unfinished Business
    Trump’s Unfinished Business offers a prophetic template to change the face of politics & save the nation from moral rot & Civil War. In one book, you will find new applications of God’s commands that can be used to break up the Tech Giants’ monopoly, create a Digital Bill of Rights, reform Family Law, protect children, enshrine true equali...

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  • 7 Facts About Bible Prophecy
    Get the digital version here Election fraud? Are we watching history repeat itself? If today’s prophets have spoken in favor of President Trump, why are we still waiting for an answer? Does it really matter who wins? Join Pastor Steve Cioccolanti as he exposes the fraud surrounding of one of the most contested and controversial presi...

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  • Planet X: NASA the Expert Fallacy & Government Conspiracy
    This message is Part 1 of Planet X Series (MP3) What is Planet X aka Nibiru? Does it have anything to do with Bible prophecy? We currently have 3 comets in the inner solar system, an unprecedented amount of meteor showers, 7+ earthquakes in the Philippines & Solomon Islands in the same week, with more to come, sinkholes, solar flares, change...

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  • 22 Future Events Predicted in Revelation: Mid-Trib Events
    The Book of Revelation places an emphasis on the midpoint of tribulation. What are the events that occur during the mid-tribulation? Has the abomination of desolation occurred and how does the Temple Mount come into play in the end times? Who are the 2 witnesses mentioned in the book of revelation? The Book of Revelation and end times are also a...

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  • A Prophetic Call To Women
    Do you have questions about why Paul said women couldn't speak in Church? Are men and women meant to be equal? In this insightful MP3 by Pastor Steve Cioccolanti, discover the influence, the history and the importance that women held in the Bible, and what their role was in the kingdom of God. - What does a man need to be a father? ...

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  • Dream Code Part 1 (Vision of Nathan a 15-year-old Jewish Boy)
    Does God still speak to us in dreams? Do you dream or see “visions of the night” as Jacob and Daniel saw? Do you see visions in the day? How do you interpret dreams? In this video, you will learn 5 facts about dreams and 5 big principles to help you interpret your dreams. Hear also examples of dreams, including a controversial vision of the ...

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  • Dream Code Part 2 (The Donald Trump Prophecy)
    "Have you ever been challenged: “You don’t take the Bible literally, do you!” Find out how to approach the Bible not only as prophetic revelation, but also as great literature! Did you know that God loves puns and play on words? What layers of hidden meanings does the Bible hold when we understand its original Hebrew and Greek languages? H...

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  • Dream Code Series
    There’s little doubt that dreams and visions from God are on the increase in the end times! Both Peter and Joel said: "And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see VISIONS, your old men shall dream DREAMS." (Acts 2:17)...

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  • The Divine Code - A Prophetic Encyclopedia of Numbers, Volume I & II (SOFTCOVER)
    The 10th Anniversary Edition of 'The Divine Code', now in a beautiful 2-volume set, is ground-breaking in its scope. From history to prophecy, from apologetics to politics, numbers are everywhere but not clearly understood. Steve Cioccolanti has expanded this study of the meaning of numbers to include Donald Trump, Jared Kushner, Ben...

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