Next Steps - Step 7: Get Involved in a Ministry
What can I do?
Available Volunteer Positions

15 Mar 2025
To resource the Body of Christ with high quality teaching.
To nurture repeat customers through high customer satisfaction.
We are looking for those who love Christians books and DVDs, and are accurate with numbers.
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15 Mar 2025
Chinese Ministry
Our 5-fold aim are:
To help Chinese speakers feel they belong in Discover Church,
To study where God is in the Chinese culture,
To equip believers to use Chinese language and culture to bring more souls to Christ,
To celebrate Chinese culture in a Christian way,
To translate Discover resources into Chinese.
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15 Mar 2025
We make volunteering easier and fun.
We efficiently help people serve the Lord with joy. We are the hub of communication - giving and receiving appropriate feedback
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15 Mar 2025
First Responders
We are the frontline of the the Church, the first real-life "image of Jesus" people see. We don't wait for people to come to us, we go to them (starting from the parking lot). We provide safety and security for the church premises. We are alert to and anticipate people’s physical needs during service. We complement the worship and message as we proclaim the Gospel by serving (during pre-service, welcome, communion, offering time, altar care, post-service fellowship, and lock up).
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15 Mar 2025
Fitness Ministry
We believe in order to be effective in our daily walk with God, we have to be physically and mentally fit. We organize fitness events that meet the needs and interests of our church members. We provide a platform for church members and friends to socialize and have fun, while maintaining our physical and mental well-being. Join us, you’ll feel a whole lot better!
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15 Mar 2025
We seek to glorify Jesus with high quality graphics delivered in a timely manner.
Our goal is to attract people through excellent designs that compel a positive response and build our brand "Discover".
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15 Mar 2025
We provide "Heaven on earth" hospitality and present the "love of Jesus" on a plate. We give a friendly and generous reception of guests and attenders, in a way that breaks down barriers and makes a straight path for God to enter. We ensure everyone working for Discover Ministries is well catered for, so that they are enabled to focus on serving and feel appreciated to be a functioning member of the Discover family.
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Training kids who hear God, know God’s Word, and live life fully. "Hear God" means our kids are saved, baptized with the Holy Spirit and prays. "Know God's Word" means our kids understand creation science and memorize Scriptures. "Live fully" means our kids develop and use their gifts for God, expecting grace and the supernatural as a normal part of their lives.
Yes, I am Interested

15 Mar 2025
To fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus by going to nations where people have not had an opportunity to hear the Gospel or be taught the Word of God. To support indigenous leaders who understand how to reach their own people in their cultural context (Mat 28, Mark 16).
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Our first priority is Jesus' last commandment: go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every person, starting at our own "Jerusalem". (Mark 16:15, Acts 1:8)
We pray for divine opportunities and organize teams to share the Gospel to students, neighbours and strangers.
When you outreach or go on missions, you will impact generations and nations, and grow as a person by moving from passive spectator to active promoter of the Good News. Fear not! It's easier than you think! Evangelism just means God loving someone else through you.
Yes, I am Interested

15 Mar 2025
We create multi-sensory services that touch people's hearts and emotions. (John 13:13-14, Mark 14:22-26, Mark 13:2, Mark 12:42-44). We support our pastor by unifying the service around one Spirit-led theme.
Our aim is to model teamwork in every service by involving more people in using their gifts and sharing their testimonies.
Yes, I am Interested

15 Mar 2025
We transcribe weekly sermons accurately, so as to bring the world to Jesus through a written record of our pastor's teaching. Transcripts can be used for future ebooks, translations into foreign languages, subtitling of TV programs and more. We are looking for accurate typists and editors who love listening to God’s Word being taught! If you're at home, on holidays, or in transition, we have a valuable job for you!
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15 Mar 2025
Travel Ministry
We work with the bookshop to extend our ministry's reach.
We assist Pastor Steve in ministering to other churches and ministries by taking care of Pastor Steve’s traveling needs and handling the sales of Discover Resources.
Yes, I am Interested

15 Mar 2025
Video Production
We record God's message and produce timeless products for future generations to revisit the anointing and multiply disciples. We are looking for camera operators, post-production video editors, content writers and proofreaders.
Yes, I am Interested

26 Oct 2013
Web Team
We create an online global presence for the ministry that is easy to find and interactive for customers and partners. Our aim is to provide excellent customer relations and convert fans into life-long customers and ministry partners. We are looking for creative and technical people who can help us improve our websites, online store and customer relations management.
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15 Mar 2025
Worship Team
We seek to glorify Jesus in all we do, off stage and on stage.
We seek to please Jesus with our gifts and make music that can one day be played in Heaven. When you join our team, you will become a worshipper who knows how to bring the power and presence of Jesus into every service and home. If you can play any instrument, come talk to us! If you have a passion for great sound, come talk to us! Training is provided.
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