"A good man leaves an inheritance...." - Solomon
Planned Giving
Planned, or deferred, gifts can provide significant benefits to you and your loved ones now and in the future, while offering financial support for Discover Ministries and its outreaches for generations to come. Typical estate gifts include life insurance, retirement assets and bequests. However, a planned gift could also be a way for a donor with non-liquid assets to make a gift today. To begin a conversation about how you may help Discover Ministries with an estate or planned gift, please contact us on donation@discover.org.au
or call us +613 9585 8295Discover Ministries does not provide tax, legal, or financial advice. We strongly encourage donors to seek counsel from their own legal and financial advisors for all legal and tax aspects pertaining to the structure of their gifts.
Stock or Securities Donations
Partners who wish to make a donation in the form of marketable stocks or securities may do so through our broker. Please notify our offices at donation@discover.org.au
Property and Other types of Gifts
We are thankful for any support that the Lord might supply through you. If you are considering a special or unique type of gift, please give us a call first, so we can make sure that we have the facilities to receive your gift, and have a way of putting it to its best use for the furtherance of the gospel. Please be aware that it may be impractical or impossible for us to receive certain types of gifts, therefore be sure to contact us before making any arrangements for transfer.
Questions or Making Changes
If you have questions regarding the ministry, in relation to becoming a partner, please feel free to contact us donation@discover.org.au or call us +613 9585 8295
If you are already a financial partner and need to make any changes to your Partner information, please email those changes to donation@discover.org.au or call us +613 9585 8295. If you would like us to contact you, please send your request with a day, time and number which is most convenient for you.
We know that continuing to be good stewards of the resources God has granted each of us is the desire of believers around the world. Our hope is to help you do just that. By partnering with us in fulfilling the Great Commission, our reach across the globe becomes YOUR reach across the globe. As the Lord’s provision, your continued support enables you, through the ministry, to plant the seeds of the gospel in the hearts of the lost, and equip laborers for the task worldwide.

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